Mathematica ----------- Mathematica is a software system for numerical, symbolic, and graphical computations and visualization. Mathematica delivers users an interactive calculation tool and versatile programming language for fast and accurate solutions to technical problems. Interactive Mode ################ .. If you want to run Mathematica without a graphical frontend: .. Type :code:`math` at the prompt. 1. SSH onto the *mercury* login node with X11 forwarding :code:`ssh -X` 2. Request an interactive session on a compute node :code:`srun --pty bash --login` 3. Load the module with the desired version of Mathematica :code:`module load mathematica/12.1.0` 4. Start Mathematica by typing: :code:`mathematica` .. Note:: Remember to use X11 forwarding to connect to Mathematica in interactive mode Batch Mode ########## 1. SSH onto the *mercury* login node :code:`ssh` 2. Navigate to the folder containing your input script (example.nb) :code:`cd /path/to/working/dir` 3. Write a submission script 4. Submit the batch job by typing: :code:`sbatch` .. code-block:: bash :caption: sample submit script :linenos: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=math_example #SBATCH --account=phd #SBATCH --partition=standard # load the appropriate module module load mathematica/12.1.0 # name of input source script myscript=example.m # run the mathematica notebook math -script ${myscript}