Mercury Architecture and Usage Limits ===================================== Partitions and Limits --------------------- Mercury is made up of compute nodes with a variety of architectures and configurations. A partition is a collection of compute nodes that all have the same, or similar, architecture and configuration. While the *standard* partition will meet most users' needs, we also offer specialized partitions for specific purposes. The *long* partition accommodates jobs that require longer wall clock time. The *highmem* partition is suitable for jobs requiring more than 32 GB per core. The *gpu* partition is to be used only when running jobs utilizing the Nvidia K80 GPU cards. Currently, Mercury is configured with the following partitions: .. +-----------+-------+-------+----------+-----------+------------------------+ .. | Partition | Nodes | Cores | Mem (GB) | Wallclock | Job Factor | .. +===========+=======+=======+==========+===========+========================+ .. | standard | 1--1 | 1--64 | 2--32 | 4h--7d | 0n + 1c + 0.250mem | .. +-----------+-------+-------+----------+-----------+------------------------+ .. | long | 1--1 | 1--16 | 2--32 | 1d--30d | 3n + 2c + 0.250mem | .. +-----------+-------+-------+----------+-----------+------------------------+ .. | highmem | 1--1 | 1--16 | 32--512 | 4h--2d | 4.5n + 4.5c + 0.032mem | .. +-----------+-------+-------+----------+-----------+------------------------+ .. | gpu | 1--1 | 1--28 | 2--32 | 4h--2d | 8n + 2c + 0.112mem | .. +-----------+-------+-------+----------+-----------+------------------------+ .. .. | mpi | 1--2 | 1--48 | 2--32 | 4h--2d | 10n + 0.5c + 0.096mem | .. +-----------+-------+-------+----------+-----------+------------------------+ +-------------+----------+-----------+--------------+------------+ | Partition | Nodes | Cores | Mem-per-CPU | Wall clock | +=============+==========+===========+==============+============+ | standard | | Def: 1 | | Def: 1 | | Def: 2GB | | Def: 4h | | | | Max: 1 | | Max: 64 | | Max: 32GB | | Max: 7d | +-------------+----------+-----------+--------------+------------+ | long | | Def: 1 | | Def: 1 | | Def: 2GB | | Def: 1d | | | | Max: 1 | | Max: 24 | | Max: 32GB | | Max: 30d | +-------------+----------+-----------+--------------+------------+ | highmem | | Def: 1 | | Def: 1 | | Def: 32GB | | Def: 4h | | | | Max: 1 | | Max: 32 | | Max: 512GB | | Max: 2d | +-------------+----------+-----------+--------------+------------+ | gpu | | Def: 1 | | Def: 1 | | Def: 2GB | | Def: 4h | | | | Max: 1 | | Max: 28 | | Max: 242GB | | Max: 2d | +-------------+----------+-----------+--------------+------------+ | interactive | | Def: 1 | | Def: 1 | | Def: 2GB | | Def: 2h | | | | Max: 1 | | Max: 2 | | Max: 32GB | | Max: 4h | +-------------+----------+-----------+--------------+------------+ To see a list of available partitions, use the :code:`sinfo` command: .. code-block:: console $ sinfo .. Informations on the nodes can be found by adding flags to the :code:`sinfo` command: .. .. code-block:: console .. $ sinfo -Nel Each user association has a concurrent service unit (SU) limit based on the account that was used to submit the job. See the table column labeled 'Job Factor' for an indication of how to estimate the number of SUs for a given job. Notice that jobs submitted to non-standard partitions incur a higher billing factor and thus reduce the number of jobs that are allowed to run concurrently. +-----------------------------------+-----------------------+ | Affiliation | Concurrent Limits | +===================================+=======================+ | Default (``--account=basic``) | 2,000 SU | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------+ | PhD (``--account=phd``) | 240,000 SU | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------+ | Collaborator (``--account=pi-*``) | 280,000 SU | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------+ | Faculty (``--account=faculty``) | 280,000 SU | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------+ +-----------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Partition | Job Billing Factor | Partition Limits | +===========+=================================================+=============================+ | standard | max{1000 x Ncpus; 125 x GBmem} | N/A | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | long | max{1000 x Ncpus; 125 x GBmem} | N/A | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | highmem | max{1000 x Ncpus; 32 x GBmem} | 32,000 SU | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | gpu | max{1000 x Ncpus; 125 x GBmem; 7000 x Ngpus} | 35,000 SU | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ .. +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ .. | Partition | Job Billing Factor | Partition Limits | .. +===========+================================================================================================================+=============================+ .. | standard | :math:\\max\\left\\{1000\\times\\text{Ncpus};125\\times\\text{GBmem}\\right\\} | N/A | .. +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ .. | long | :math:r"`\max\left\{1000\times\text{Ncpus};125\times\text{GBmem}\right\}`" | N/A | .. +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ .. | highmem | :math:r"""\max\left\{1000\times\text{Ncpus}; 32\times\text{GBmem}\right\}""" | 32,000 SU | .. +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ .. | gpu | r":math:\max\left\{1000\times\text{Ncpus};125\times\text{GBmem};7000\times\text{Ngpus}\right\}" | 42,000 SU | .. +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ .. note:: Concurrent and partition limits are subject to change based on cluster usage. If at any moment you need to verify which accounts and qos you have access to, you may view your *association*: .. code-block:: console $ sacctmgr show association where user= format=cluster,account%24,user%24,qos Cluster Account User QOS ------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------- mercury phd bronze mercury basic clay Scratch Space ------------- Mercury has 6 TB of shared scratch space in :file:`/scratch`. This is the recommended place to store temporary job files such as transformed data, temporary logs, parallel job metadata or intermediate output. It is not to be used for file/data storage not related to running jobs. We recommend placing your scratch files within a personal folder organized by job number: :file:`/scratch/${SLURM_JOB_USER}/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/`. Here, ${SLURM_JOB_USER} and ${SLURM_JOB_ID} are environment variables which you can query in your job script. Your code should automatically delete the job-specific files and folder upon successful completion. .. note:: The scratch directory is only available on the compute nodes, not on the front end nodes. .. warning:: You should delete all unused scratch files as soon as they are no longer needed. All scratch files will be automatically deleted 35 days after creation without notice. If scratch space fills up, the oldest files will be deleted first without notice. Below is an example of creating a temporary directory in :file:`/scratch` and deleting it once the job finishes. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=mystatajob # name of job #SBATCH --partition=standard # assign the job to the "standard" partition # create a new scratch directory for this job scratch_dir="/scratch/${SLURM_JOB_USER}/${SLURM_JOB_ID}" mkdir -p $scratch_dir # use scratch dir to store tmp files export STATATMP=$scratch_dir # run stata dofile="" /apps/bin/stataMP -b do $PWD/$dofile # remove scratch directory when done rm -r $scratch_dir